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ODMC 2011
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ODMC 2011 - Open Dutch Masters Championships Eindhoven 2011
Open Dutch Masters Championships Eindhoven 2011
The Open Dutch Masters Championships 2011 Swimming (long course) will be held in Eindhoven:
from Friday 6th until Sunday 8th May in the Pieter van den Hoogenband Swimstadium in Eindhoven.
Next year the Open Dutch Masters Championships 2012 Swimming (long course) will also be held in Eindhoven:
from Friday 4th until Sunday 6th May 2012 in the Pieter van den Hoogenband Swimstadium in Eindhoven.
Latest news
Information booklet 2011 (pdf).
Tuesday 10 mei
Hierbij de uitslagen.
Pictures (KJvO).
Results all sessions (html).
Results all sessions (pdf).
Results all sessions (lxf).
Medals ranking.
Medals per team.
Medals per person.
Broken records.
Thursday5 May
Here the startlist and timeschedule.
Friday 22 April
Here the provisional startlist. We are exactly full with the amount of entries, so there is just no need for limitation.
Participating teams.
Competitors per program and agegroup.
Competitors per program.
Monday 28 March
From today on you can subscribe for the ODMC 2011. Subrsiptios closes on Monday 18th April 20:00.
Below the English Brochure, entryform and Splash-file.
Brochure ODMC lc 2011.
Entryform ODMC lc 2011.
Splash file ODMC lc 2011.
You can download the Entry Editor here.
Saturday 26 March
Today on 13:10 the Netherlands has been awarded with the organisation of the European Masters Championships 2013.
Main location is Eindhoven where the Swimming, Diving and Synchronized Swimming will take place.
For the Open Water Swimming the location is not known yet.
Programme Open Dutch Masters Championships 2011
The programme is finalized.
Programme ODMC 2011.
The regulations follow early Februari 2011.
Subscription starts 28th March and closes on Monday 18th April 12:00.
Splash file ODMC lc 2011.
During the weekend 2 workshops will be given by Karlyn Pipes-Neilsen.
Karlyn swam more than 200 world masters records and gives workshops all around the globe.
The following workshops will be given:
On Saturday afternoon 7th May 14:30-17:30, subject: free style
On Sunday morning 8th May 09:15-12:30, subject: butterfly and backstroke
The workshops will consist of one hour theory and one and a half hour water practice.
The costs are 35,00 per person.
For trainers/coaches who want to attend to the theory and be present be present out of the water at the water practice the costs are 20,00.
The workshops will be given in the English language.
The workshop includes some drinks and snack, and a hand-out.
There will be a maximum of 20 waterpractitioners and 20 auditors.
Full is full in order of receipt .
Subscribe for this workshop is possible via odmc@psvmasters.nl
See also the Flyer Clinic Karlyn Pipes-Neilsen.